THE WORLD IS COLD[you only have yourself]

 I may sound too logic but you also got to think about this.We were born alone in this world,despite having our parents,siblings and friends around us,the truth is that we came out of our mothers womb alone.Yeah,yeah i know you wanna ask what about them twins,lol,can't you see they both have a life to breathe as much they came from the same womb and remember at a DIFFERENT TIME.Thats just an intro of yourself,now lets start growing,we got to school,we get new friends at our young stage in life,we engange with different people as we grow and until we get to this stage of 'falling in love' which i think is the best stage and the worst stage in our life.Love comes with emotions,fear,happines and joy especially if your partner is making you feel some type of way,thats where,we forget about ourselves, we value others too much than we value ourselves.You see in this world,by being born alone,your meant to go through some experiences,be it tough,sweet,luxurious,however you face them at each point in life,the creator purposed you to be here on earth and to grow through each one of them.But do some of us grow or get lost?we loose ourselves by saying without this certain person in life,or without having this or money in our lives we cant make it but we are wrong.As we grow we have to grow wholey[if there is such word,correct me]we have to allow our spirit to connect with us.We only grow physical by looking at our bodies if we getting thick or thinner,lol,what about the inner you?who are you?do you even know yourself?what you want, do you know that or you waiting for compliments from our friends and family so as to take a step?or rather your waiting to be stoop so low to come to realization.Wake up,for once drop everyone in your life.Are they toxic friends,relationship or even a family member,make a choice,dont be rude but make a choice to put youself first.Follow your heart but use brains,find yourself from where you got lost,try to understand why you feel stuck or in the dark,what lead to what!They claim they got your back but when your in real struggle,when you in deep shit,whose got you?...You got yourself imagine.You are strong thats why you get through what hardship you face alone,when i mean alone i mean God has given you the ability,strength and knowledge to get through everything.Let me share how i found a friend in me and how i realised i got myself to make this life what i want it.8 years back,i had the closest friends whom i never thought  our world would grow apart.I used to look up to them like my role models all in growth,stability,relationship goals cause they were couples.Reality hit me when they showed me their true colors,after the struggles and battles of friendship.Yes people break up,friendships are lost but i just didn't see it coming.I was in the worst state of mind considering i had deep secrets that could destroy their marriage but due to my dignity i'd say...i had to accept,heal and move on.This was,and trust me when i say was the best self time i had for myself.I healed,new myself better,learned to stick on my own company by being alone,learned to forgive despite everything,connected with the inner me and even began adding weight after so long.I was and still is first before anything or anyone else.By God's grace i conqured my fear of loosing,the fear of saying without this kinda people i'm nothing.I got a job of my dreams and my life is at its best.Just know your important,you matter and nobody's got you cause even family turn against you.YOU ARE  A STAR.


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