Well i don't know much about you but have you had the desires?...And when am talking about desires is not all about the earthly treasures,cars,golds,gifts or living lavi da loca,no!....Am talking about the desire to feel love and to be loved.I feel like 95% of us humans don't know what we want when it comes to love most.Lets talk about women and am not being picky or something its just the reality from my own point of view and maybe how i used to react before knowing what i really wanted.When a lady gets into a new relationship,she has too many expectations from a man.Of course there are dates at the beginning,where they going to go out,have different experiences in each others world and a lot more.Don't forget,ladies have needs!lots of them and that's where chaos start if they are not fulfilled am i right?i guess so.Don't also forget,we are promised a lot that even most men are unable to fulfill,they manipulate our minds in a certain way especially if they are stable enough, now this are what i call the dark desires,but what about the love?how we want to feel when we are close to our partners,how we expect them to feel towards us,the desire to feel protected,loved,cared for,special,the one and only,that one person that you crave for, lets not even say miss them,you crave for them to either kiss and touch you,to feel the spark that brought you two together.In today's generation none of this things exist anymore,dark desires have taken over where by all we value is money,our jobs and that's it.We have forgotten what it feels like to love and being loved.Having a partner in whom we find satisfaction,a partner in whom we find lust,where we find peace and trust cause without trust in love we got nothingAll in all to find all this we must personally as an individual know what we want so that by the time God brings you your soulmate,you'll know how to treat them as they do their part.


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